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Available Reviews and Introductions
Introducing the ultimate fitness companion, the latest offering is the ideal solution for thos…
XANES VO420 Smart Watch - IP67 Waterproof with Waterproof Camera and ETC Functions
Introducing a new and budget-friendly smart wristband that is designed to seamlessly synchroni…
XANES T2 Waterproof Smartwatch with OLED Display - 0.96
Introducing the sleek and dependable wireless camera that offers uncompromising protection for…
1080P Wireless Night Vision Camera for XANES X9
This smart wristband seamlessly synchronizes with your lifestyle, helping you stay on top of y…
B6 TFT Waterproof Color Screen Smart Watch - Waterproof and Fit for Sport
Introducing a cutting-edge smart wristband that seamlessly synchronizes with your daily routin…
XANES Smart Watch with TFT Screen - 1.3
Introducing a smart wristband that's a perfect fit for those seeking innovative technology to …
Waterproof Smart Bracelet with Touch Screen - L55S
Introducing a colorful and sophisticated wristband designed to help you unlock your potential …
Sleep Monitor with Touchscreen and Waterproof
Introducing a budget-friendly smart wristband that seamlessly synchronizes with your social ap…
XANES F4S Waterproof Color TFT-IPS Smart Watch with Waterproof and Color Screen
Introducing a remarkable wristband that offers the perfect combination of style and sophistica…
XANES W8 0.96 TFT Color Screen Smartwatch with Waterproof and Sport design
Introducing a unique and budget-friendly protective device that will secure your safety withou…
Wifi Camera for HD 720P TV with Night Vision
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XANES smartwatch color waterproof Color Monitor Watch Bracelet Smartwatch Call reminder